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Bootstrap, Foundation, UIKit - An Agnostic Comparison

It's a technological struggle where everything is at your finger tips yet we seek convenience and accessibility in all walks of life. This reminds me of…

There are three roads to ruin; women, gambling and technicians. The most pleasant is with women, the quickest is with gambling, but the surest is with technicians.
~ Georges Pompidou

Multiple media size query - A better SCSS mixin

Multiple media size query is a SASS mixin library for querying multiple media sizes at once. Instead of writing multiple lines of code for each media size use mmsq to simplify your workflow.

If you want to target ipad and smartphone media at once you can write rules for both media sizes in one mixin.

Tweaks: Drupal, Wordpress, jQuery, Responsive development and LAMP

This blog post has tweaks, snippets or fixes not in their detail versions but aid in rapid prototyping during development. Focused around Drupal 7, Wordpress, jQuery, Zurb Foundation and LAMP.

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